Getting back to running
Not being in proper training and having nothing much to say, it’s been a month since I wrote here.
However, I’m happy to report that I’m now what I’d call “running again”. In the last 4 weeks I first got back to running a few times a week, building up the distance, finally back to something I’d call training:
- Week 1: 15k, 3 runs, longest 6k
- Week 2: 26k, 3 runs, longest 11k
- Week 3: 25k, 2 runs, longest 14k
- Week 4: 71k, 5 runs, longest 27k
The last week looks like a drastic jump but it must be said it contained 18k on Monday after 3 days off at the end of the previous week.
So I’m not running as much as usual, I’m not running every day, and I’m not starting speed-work again yet, but it feels like proper running. On Saturday I got out to parkrun and ran decently hard for 19 minutes, and Sunday I managed a long run